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Blaise High School

Work Experience Week Cancelled

Parent/carers of Y10 - WEX update

It is with enormous disappointment, but not a surprise I am sure, that I have to inform you I am cancelling all the WEX placements we had arranged for July 2020. The ongoing situation we all find ourselves in makes it potentially unsafe and unmanageable for employers, and for us. 

Mrs Cook has written to all the employers to thank them for their support and recognise the value they place on the fantastic opportunities they had offered to our Y10 students. If you wish to contact the employers yourselves at some point, and ask if they would accept your child in the long holiday after GCSE exams in 2021, you may find they are willing to accommodate you. This will not be arranged through school as the student will be off roll at that point. I do strongly recommend this, as work experience has proved to be immensely valuable to young people and is always appreciated by future employers and further/higher education providers. Some school sixth forms offer WEX support in Y12, and many vocational college courses include it as part of the course offer.

I'd like to thank those parent/carers and students who had  worked so hard to secure placements, Mrs Cook for the huge amount of administrative work she has undertaken, and all the employers of course.

In the year ahead, I will be working with our Enterprise Adviser - Kelly Spicer and Independent Careers Adviser - Steve Newman, to see how we can provide Y10 students with experience of the work place. 

Please take a look at the Careers Newsletters on the website, which contains a lot of information relevant to Y10 as they plan for their next step beyond Blaise High School.

Stay safe, Mrs Brightley