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Blaise High School

Character education

At Blaise High School we recognise that qualifications and results will open doors for our children to access the very best universities in the country or careers of their choosing. However, we also understand that in order for our children to make the most of these opportunities, they must develop the strength of character required to take on the obstacles that will face them on their climb up their mountain. At Blaise, we care deeply about children’s characters and work hard to develop them. We also understand that working towards academic achievements and developing character takes hard work and dedication from our children, and it’s important that we have fun too.

One way in which we develop children’s character is through our Enrichment Programme. Launched at our Enrichment Fayre each term, the Enrichment Programme is a wide range of activities that children can get involved in, both academic and non-academic, to develop attributes that will make them successful in their futures and solidify their hobbies for life. Students are able to sign up for these activities or just turn up and join in on the day.

Our current after-school Enrichment timetable can be found here, with the full programme changing each term.

We aspire for every child to take part in an Enrichment activity each term. Please discuss with, and encourage your child to attend our program of activities. These activities not only develop strength of character but are a fantastic way to make new friends and offer students something valuable to add to their future application forms or CV’s.

Another way in which we develop children's character is through the Inter House competitions run as part of our House System. Two tutor groups in each year group are assigned to each of our Houses.

All green points, including RfL signatures and golden tickets count towards a child's personal total, resulting in Rewards Experiences, and towards their House total, resulting in becoming House Champions. Alongside green points students will gain House points by competing in a number of competitions, carefully selected by our Student Leaders. 

Children will receive a small coloured badge in the new term, representing their house, that must be worn on their blazer lapel as part of their uniform.