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Blaise High School

links for support out of school

Please find below some useful links should you need support. We can find strength, support and encouragement in our communities. Ask for help from friends, families and your immediate community. Below are some useful contacts that can offer advice and support:

Organisation Link


Kooth is a free online, free, safe and anonymous online support service that offers emotional and mental health support for young people.



 Tess is run by Self Injury Support, TESS is a text and email service for women and girls in the UK affected by self-harm. 07800472908 Open Sunday – Friday 7pm-9pm.




Off The Record  isn't just a charity providing mental health services, it's a mental health movement mobilised to support, promote and defend the mental health, rights and social position of young people.

Click here for the latest OTR newsletter.




NHS Choices – Young People and Mental Health. An information hub offering help and advice on mental health problems including depression and, anxiety and stress.



Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.

You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are there to support you.




TIC+ provides face-to-face and online counselling services for young people, family counselling, parent support. and psycho-educational workshops.




If you have been a victim of sexual online abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know, let us know safely and securely




Coping with exam pressure - a guide for students