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Blaise High School


Curriculum Intent

At Blaise High School our curriculum intends to provide our students with the knowledge required to take them out of their lived experience, and allow them to access any career path which they choose. The knowledge that we have selected, and carefully sequenced, is designed to give students the best possible chance of climbing their own personal mountains to the very best universities in the country or careers of their choosing.  We focus on the delivery of powerful knowledge in subject areas, taught by subject experts in a rigorous and academic fashion. Our curriculum enables students to develop the necessary declarative, procedural, and substantive knowledge to excel in individual subject areas. We use hinterland knowledge to illuminate core knowledge, and ensure that it 'sticks'. Our curriculum sequencing enables disciplinary knowledge to be both taught and questioned at appropriate points in a child's school career. Our enacted curriculum supports our intent, and we base our methods of teaching on cognitive science ensuring that our students can effectively retain the knowledge that we teach them. As subject experts we think hard about how we can ensure that children learn the information that they are taught. We do this via delivering lessons in the 'I, We and You' format. We constantly assess our children using quizzing, questioning, mini - whiteboards and live marking. This gives teachers the data that they need to monitor a child's progress through the curriculum. We are relentlessly ambitious in what we teach our students as we know that where we raise the bar of expectation, students rise to meet it. 

Our curriculum is not confined to lessons: our wider curriculum offer encompasses social times, character education; including our reading programme, PSHE and our enrichment programme. These wider experiences are intended to offer our students the necessary breadth of personal development required to access any career path which they choose. 

Our curriculum is ambitious, with knowledge being selected based on that which is studied and ratified in higher education institutions. Our students experience subjects as distinct disciplines, as they would at university. The curriculum is knowledge rich, as opposed to knowledge heavy, we have carefully selected knowledge around key, underpinning curriculum themes that are interleaved throughout the students-time at school. The sequencing of our curriculum enables our students to deepen their subject knowledge around identified key themes.

We focus on reading and our students take pride in reading, we are committed to closing the vocabulary gap. Our wider curriculum promotes both the school’s values, and British values, and enables students to develop deeply held passions and interests for the rest of their lives.

Students at Blaise High School are able to study the below subjects, please click on the subject area to view curriculum maps for them:




Religious Education



Design Technology


Performing Arts

Personal Social Health Education

Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish)


Physical Education

Computing and Media

Students in the Resource Base study an adapted version of these subjects, suitable to their needs. 

To find out more about the mainstream curriculum, please email Ms Davey, Assistant Headteacher:


To find out more about the Resource Base curriculum please email Ms Nutt: